It's been a crazy Summer so far! We moved right before Christmas of last year and it has been fun getting to know our area now that the weather is warm. There are a lot of things to do in the Summertime in our new neighborhood and my kids are at the right age to take them on all sorts of adventures.
This picture isn't close to where we live, it's in Central Utah, but this trip back in May got us all into bike riding. We love going on the bike trail near our house (when the weather isn't 100 degrees!)
Amazon announced to the authors last week that Kindle Vella will be available to readers sometime this week! They didn't give us an exact date so I'm not sure if it will be available when this email sends (I'm scheduling it a few days in advance). But it will definitely launch this week.
I'm nervous and excited!! Especially since I don't know the exact day it will launch.
I'm scrambling to get everything ready, but COURTING FAE THIEVES AND CROWNS will have four episodes available right at launch. And readers can read the first three episodes of any story for FREE.
It seems that there isn't a way for readers to comment on the stories in Kindle Vella, but I want to talk about and interact with readers so I've created an Instagram page and a Facebook page just for Courting Fae Thieves and Crowns.
So if you're on social media, follow me and the story here:
If you're not on social media, I'd still love to chat. Let me know if a place on my website for readers to connect would be something of interest and I'll get it set up!!
I'm so excited and I hope you take this journey with me!