2022 Wrap Up!

I hope your holidays have been good this year. They were very chaotic for my family, but everyone is happy and healthy, so I count it as a win! 

My husband and my kids are off this week and part of next week, so I'm not technically working, but I wanted to write one last post this year!

I began my publishing journey in 2018. That year I published three books: the In Her Dreams trilogy.

In 2019, I published six books: The Siren Prophecy trilogy (co-written with 4 others), and the Frost Boarding House trilogy.

In 2020, I published six books: Dreamwalker Academy books 1-3, and the Reclaim trilogy (co-written with Jesse Booth).

In 2021, I published three books: Raven Court series books 1-3, AND I began writing my Kindle Vella story Courting Fae Thieves and Crowns.

The reason I'm telling you all of this is because this year, 2022, I've only published one book. And it was a novella. Exiling a Fae Queen came out in January, but that’s it. This year have focused on publishing more episodes of Courting Fae Thieves and Crowns, and I’ve been working on my author business. I’ve also done a lot of growing and learning this past year that I'm hoping with propel my author career and help me reach even more readers. 

Fortunately, 2023 will already beat this year because in just a few short weeks, book 1 of Courting Fae Thieves and Crowns will release. I know a lot of you have been waiting for the novel version. I'm so happy with the changes I've made for the novel format, it's turned into an epic story that is the best thing I've ever written. 

Then, later (hopefully in the spring) the fourth and final version of the Raven Court series, Becoming a Fae Queen, will release. 

Beyond those two books, I'm not sure what will be next, (probably book 2 of the Thieves and Crowns series) but stick around on this journey with me!