Character Cards: Emily and Duncan

Ahh! I’ve fallen behind on updating my blog.

I have character cards for the characters of the In Her Dreams series and last week I surveyed those who receive my newsletter about who they wanted to see first (Emily, Duncan, Lucy or Andrew)

I was surprised that the overwhelming winner was… Duncan!

I really love Duncan too! He is such a sweet friend/boyfriend but if you know who he is and what he endured and his patience, etc, etc, then you know that he's a REALLYsweet friend/boyfriend.

So I'm definitely showing you Duncan today, but I also want to show you Emily since she's… you know, the main character and all.

Emily is the one character I've written who is most like me. Not exactly, since I can't… you know… time travel while I'm sleeping and all, but our personalities are similar and some of her experiences (in dreams AND in her waking life) come directly from my own life.

If you're interested, I could tell you which ones actually happened to me.

Okay, enough talking about them. Here they are!


Do they look like you imagined?

I know some of you are curious what Andrew looks like since he is described as looking similar to Duncan, so I'll show you him and Lucy next week!

I can't wait!

And here's a link to the In Her Dreams series in case you want to check it out.