Writing, Reading, and Life Updates!

Life update

My kids are out of school and while a lot of parents might dread this, I'm excited for some time without schedules. I'm excited for time at the pool, trips with the family, sleeping in, and sun!

I'm also in the middle of a kitchen remodel and have been without a kitchen for more than four weeks. We live in a small townhouse and needed a kitchen that was more functional for our family of five. So at the moment, our kitchen is in our garage with our table, a few appliances (like the air fryer and a smoothie blender), and paper/plastic everything. Fortunately, we have neighbors who graciously let us use their kitchens so we aren't eating cold cereal or fast food every night. 

Writing Update

If you're following Courting Fae Thieves and Crowns on Kindle Vella or Patreon, you know that book 2 is almost complete. Which means… I'll be hopefully announcing the release of book 2 (Cover Reveal fun, etc.) very soon!

Becoming a Fae Queen (Raven Court #4, the final book) is coming! It's had a lot of hiccups, but I'm making good progress and I'm aiming for a release later this Summer. I'm so excited for the completion of the Raven Court series!

Reading Update

My goal this year was to read 23 books in 2023 and I thought I was doing SO well… but I just looked and I've only read five books and we're already into May! It looks like I'll have to do lots of reading by the pool this Summer to catch up!

I just finished reading A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess and I'm almost finished listening to Scythe by Neil Shusterman on audio (which will be book six). I highly recommend them both!