Do you follow me on Instagram or Facebook? If you do, you might've noticed I've been very MIA on both of those for the past several months. I tried to get back into it a few weeks ago, but then fell off again.
I used to post regularly on both and it was ‘easy’ to get content posted, but when life got busy, social media was the thing that had to go. And, unfortunately, I can't seem to get back into it.
If you're a follower or subscriber on my Ream, however, you know that I post there all the time. With the recent read a thon, there were posts nearly every single day for four weeks.
I'm finding that I enjoy that platform mostly because I'm talking to people who want to be there and I'm not fighting the algorithm to reach people.
I'm also regularly posting new chapters of Fae Thieves and Crowns on Ream.
I don't think I'll ever be as active on social media as I used to be. I mean, never say never, but I don't see myself spending a lot of time there anymore so I can focus in other areas. (writing stories, and connecting with readers on Ream).
As I finalize some things, I'll be making announcements.