
Reclaim is finished!

I have some exciting news to share! Jesse Booth and I have been working on the Reclaim series for over a year and it's finally finished! We still have to finish up edits, but all three books are written!

It's such a good feeling to compete a project you've put so much time and effort into!

Now I can fully immerse myself in all things FAE, but before that… I have an announcement!!

Relinquish: Book 2 releases on October 6!!

Get it here!

We have a launch date...

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

I'm happy to announce that In Her Dreams will debut on March 22, 2018! Things are moving forward!

If you haven't subscribed yet, I am prepping a FREE gift to send to everyone on my list on launch day (and anyone who signs up after). It's a short story called First Dreams that takes place several years before In Her Dreams begins.  So sign up here!

Also...the sequel Trapped in Her Dreams is being sent off to my awesome editor tomorrow!! Yay! And my cover artist is working on a fantastic cover as we speak so, Trapped in Her Dreams will have a launch date sometime in late April.  And stay tuned for a cover reveal.